EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Kamikyoku wo Utatte Mita 2
Vocals Utaites:
Zembra, Ristsuka, Gom, noir, Noir, ΦKushiΦ, Saiya, Clear, Luschka, Mi-chan, Keisen, Mitani Nana, Misaki
Track List: Size:
- Just Be Friends
- Nuclear Fusion
- 19:25 departure
- 1925
- Toukyouto Rock City
- SPiCa
- End of loneliness
- Iroha Uta
- Shiningray
- Starduster
- Sunrise, song of you.
- Satellite
- Girl chain
- Butterfly right shoulder
- Scene
Title : EXIT TUNES PRESENTS 神曲を歌ってみた 2,
EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Kamikyoku wo Utatte Mita 2
Producers : 164, Dixie Flatline, iroha, JimmyThumbP, T-POCKET, えこまる, とくP, のぼる↑, のりぴー, ほえほえP, 光収容, 虹原ぺぺろん, 銀サク, 鮭P
Vocalists : clear, MISAKI, Φ串Φ, ゴム, ゼブラ, のある, ノワール, みーむ, リツカ, ルシュカ, 佳仙, 実谷なな, 祭屋